Friday, October 17, 2014

6 "cositas" - my top picks for store bought halloween costumes for babies

because they are just so darn cute!

i am really partial to animal costumes {so hard to tell right?!}, i believe although adults and media make halloween a "scary" holiday, for kids it should be a fun day to play dress up and animal costumes represent that to me.. which is your favorite?

p.s. all these can be purchased by clicking the pictures!

p.p.s. what are you dressing your kids as this year?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

throwback thursday: Valentina three days old

love looking of pictures at Valentina.. these where taken three days after she was born.. funny story behind these pictures - she wanted to be held so we used a pacifier to calm her down for the pictures and  then quickly pulled it out to snap the pictures.. made her lips pucker up for the camera!

at three days old, Valentina had me feeling excited and very tired! i was very much ready to come home and start our life with her, and i was over being in the cold hospital.

i love this day because she started to look like herself and definitely showed us her diva behavior.  

look at those lips!    

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

co-sleeping with your baby .. to sleep or not to sleep?.. what is the answer

way before i got pregnant i had decided that i WAS not going to be co-sleeping with my child. you hear all these stories about how the child never wants to leave the bed after sleeping in it ONE time.. also the talk about how co-sleeping makes your child at a higher percentage for SIDS. as parents we all want to be the best we can be and for me that was straight to her bed {crib, well bassinet for the 1st 3 months} to Valentina.

and then..

i gave birth via emergency cesarean section and i was in pain, lots of pain. i couldn't move much the 1st night, Valentina would cry every time i put her down and so began our journey in co-sleeping. back then i didn't realize it but Valentina would prove to be a difficult sleeper.

after we came home i made the living room our bedroom and the couch my bed, my actual bed is a little high, being that i was healing from major surgery getting on a off without was very difficult. the couch was just low enough and wayyy more comfortable then the hospital bed i had been on for 5 days.

the moment Valentina came into this world, the doctor complimented on her good lungs, because boy {or in this case girl} that girl could cry! at home i tried to get her used to her bassinet but she wouldn't have it.. and if having her sleep on my chest was the only way i could rest and recover and both of us rest, then so be it because i was BEAT.

at around 2 months she began to sleep in her bassinet for half the night, when she would wake up for her 4am feeding we would both fall asleep together in bed. at 3 months we transitions her to the crib because she started to turn in the bassinet. again she would sleep half the night in her crib and half with me holding her in bed.

that just became our routine. some nights she goes straight to sleep on our bed some nights she starts at her crib but all nights she ends up in our bed. and that works for us a a family. all kids need something different, she needs to sleep with us and honestly i need to sleep with her and sometimes we have to brake away from what the "social norm" is in order to do what works best for our families..

Thursday, October 9, 2014

half birthday "6th mirthday" Instagram themed party

my baby actually turns 7 months mañana.. but last month when she turned 6 months we had a mini celebration ... since we take soooo many pictures {what parent doesn't} we decided to make it an instagram theme.. 

we used $1 frames from Michael's to make the instagram picture frames and got a BJ's red velvet cake and cut it in half.. the rest of the decorations where pictures! i printed about 150 but not even half of that was used... i also printed out pictures of my friends kids as favors for them to take home.. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

a child with bronchiolitis..

brakes your heart...

my poor baby has been sick for the last 5 days.. and my heart is absolutely broken.. i pretty much haven't spelt on 4 days, just watching over her.. it's extremely hard to not beat yourself help.. she has had such a healthy 6 months and then the 1st time she gets sick it's something so harsh.. 

Mike and I have been trying our hardness to make her most comfortable {which means he sleeps on the futon to give her more space in the bed}, we've also gotten her the Vicks vaporizer.. and Maty's All Natural Baby Chest Rub.. 

i type this as a small distraction since it's 3:37am and i can't sleep .. Just watching her making sure she's ok...

if you have any suggestions or home remedies i'm open to them..  Thank you..

hospital selfie as we waited in the ER... 

well hello there..

i can not believe over a year has past since my past blog post and boy what a difference 1 year can make.. get ready for it .. 

so this happened..

and then this...

and then this miracle came into my life....

our beautiful baby girl Valentina..  

we become proud parents back on March 10.. life officially got better!

i've been waiting to get back into blogging for a long time now.. it's mostly been about no energy {working pregnant mamma} and then just having my hands full. 

but i think it's time i got to doing something i enjoy and plus it will be a great outlet on my Valentina "talks" because i can seriously talk about her 24/7!!